Occupiable at all times of the day, the market grounds are programmed by the users- not limited to just a market for the exchange of goods, but also for the exchange of ideas and viewpoints. The intention of the space is determined by how the constituents choose to occupy it- a space of encounter that can be both regulated and non regulated.
Through studying the potential response of implementing 5G network in a small community or borgo, the social results are very telling of how people address different views and ideas. The reality, is that most people are reluctant to hear out the other side, thus creating polarization in communities. The divide continues to grow as word spreads from person to person, where facts can start to go askew and misinformation can start to spread. This polarization, due to differences in views does not only happen at the smaller scale, but is also very apparent in larger scales. The result is a divided community that translates to an ‘us’ and ‘them’ mentality where each side is both resisting, both ignorant, and both sees themselves as superior.
Program form is evolved from the stair conditions of Castiglione D'Orcia and acts as a continuation of the urban landscape.
Fragment showing the market space and warehouse storage where items can be picked up or dropped off.
Fragment showing the marketing and creation space as well as fridge storage for fresh produce.
Market elevation from day to night with product listings on the exterior.
Additional views of areas of the market that may not be shown in the fragments.