Our 5G tower, WHISTLEBLOWER, aims to expose the reality of the glitch. To delve into the glitch, we are involuntarily the whistleblower, automatically involved in the disclosure of millions of technology’s secrets. In this zone of defined transparency represented by the resin, we live on the surface level of privacy and entertainment. What lies deeper is the pixels being scattered and aggregated of darker self. Similar to “accepting cookies” and “personalized ads”, our data runs much deeper. However, this chaos isn’t necessarily a bad thing. By centering 5G as a monument, we take these glitches of technology and willingly step into the black screens where self actualization can occur. We aim for “the culture of trust to replace the culture of surveillance”.
The instability of 5g and its effects on the economy are not dreadful. Interactive R&D Grain Laboratory aims to find balance in unstable figures and balance a new culture of forgotten grain with technology.