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SUF SP22 | LiDAR Workshop

Daniele Profeta

Hi all, just recapping here some info about the upcoming LiDAR workshop of this weekend.

1. At this link (link here) you can sign-up for the in location scanning sessions / we have max 7 students per group.

2. Please upload your first Photogrammetry model (from one of the sites in the list) no later than Sunday 20th at 10am (this can happen also earlier this week of course…) - upload here - for maximum clarity, I am attaching a pdf explaining how to export your point cloud model and your mesh model when the photogrammetry process is finished.

Finally, for your reference, you can find the recording where we explain with more precision the details and techniques of this Ex. #2 at this link: (I am sure you have already watched this, but just in case…

Do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions at all,


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